When a domain is not just a domain name – Unraveling high value websites

I´m constantly quizzed by non internet luddites about domain names and their value. The most common misconception is “why is this domain being sold for 250K when I can register a domain for 10 bucks?”. My patience is thin at best but, assuming naiveté, I endeavor to explain that a domain name is merely a […]

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Domain names sales | what’s next?

With the world on the verge of getting 1000´s of new TLD´s (top-level domain), adding to the already bewildering array of available domain extensions, domain brokers and resellers worldwide are awaiting the tsunami effect this may have on their domain portfolios. Names like .shop, .adult, .ATTORNEY and 1930 others are currently being considered by ICANN […]

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Dead Content | Why Google has stopped showing it

So you created a website, it has lots of traffic and you simply moved onto another project or website. Next time you get the chance to look, your website bombed in serps and you have no traffic. Why?   Well Google is placing more and more emphasis on new content these days and, those who […]

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Social networks, a necessary evil?

Google´s latest search engine updates have imposed a specific emphasis on Social Networks and, what we in the industry call “social signals”. For many businesses who´ve shied away from Social media or, stayed on the fence about whether to incorporate it into their marketing efforts, Google´s recent changes are a rude awakening to what is […]

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Google algorithm changes & updates

Over the past 24 months, we´ve all been reading about Google´s panda and penguin updates and their unprecedented effects on organic serps, however, few grasp why Google makes changes or why their business model requires them. For the internet outsider, Google´s changes are apparently designed for the “good of the web”, to garner more accurate […]

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About Us

Welcome to Marshall Marketing We remember when .com domains names cost $74, when BBS networks were the latest fashion and when the Internet had no search engines. Can anyone say overture? Things have certainly changed since those nascent first steps of the WWW but, we´re still here, revelling in the changes, always looking forward and […]

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